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Shop Nillu is created by lithuanian who lives in Cairo, the capital of Egypt, with over 20 000 000 inhabitants. Life and climate in Egypt are drastically different from ordinary life in Europe - here life starts at night, the air temperature rises above 40 degrees Celsius in summer, during witner and spring time sandstorms are covering everything around in dust.
All these factors put great stress on the skin and hair, but even in the most difficult climatic conditions, Egyptian women have been famous for their natural beauty throughout the ages. All the most famous ancient beauty goddesses come from Egypt.
The main source of life in Egypt is the Nile - the first civilization was formed around it, blocks of stones were transported by the Nile from upper Egypt to present-day Cairo to build the pyramids for the pharaohs, it was an important part of the spiritual life of ancient Egypt, even the seasons were formed around the cycle of the Nile. That is where our name - Nillu - comes from. After careful research and testing, we have selected the best and most effective Egyptian beauty secrets and offer them to you at Shop Nillu.